Find Out What We Can Do For You

Criminal Defense

Being charged with a crime can be scary and stressful, and can have serious consequences if you are convicted. The Law Office of Alison Camp,PLLC is here to fight for you, no matter what you're charged with. No case is too big or too small, we represent people charged with traffic tickets to violent felonies and everything in between.


When your driving privileges are at stake, you need an attorney with specialized training in DWI laws and police procedures. As a former prosecutor who handled hundreds of DWI, vehicular assault, and fatality cases, The Law Office of Alison Camp, PLLC can give you the specialized defense you need. 

Divorce & Family Court

Whether you're going through a divorce or dealing with CPS, family court cases have legal issues that are deeply personal. Our years of experience and knowledge of family law, combined with a compassionate approach, provides you with legal representation you can depend on.

Personal Injury

If you've been injured and need someone to fight for you to get you the best possible outcome, it's important to hire an attorney who is an experienced litigator. At the The Law Office of Alison Camp, PLLC, we have tried hundreds of cases and are here to fight for what you deserve.